Do I need to have a special application installed on my computer to send SMS or MMS messages via your system?
No. You are sending from your user account, and you only need a mobile device connected to the Internet to send.
How do I know if an SMS or MMS message has been successfully delivered?
The delivery status is always displayed in the program at sending (outgoing) messages.
How many SMS and MMS messages can I send in a given time?
There is no limit as the system sends 500 messages per second.
Is it possible to buy a keyword and chargeable SMS service?
Yes. For more information, send us an inquiry or contact us.
How reliable is your system?
99.9%. Over 2 million messages are sent through our system every month. We use premium channels for sending, which are the highest quality and most reliable of all existing channels
When does the sent message arrive on the phone?
Messages are delivered immediately (within seconds).
How do I connect to your system?
You will get the documentation where is through examples shown how to connect easily with a few lines of code.
V kakšnem časovnem obdobju moram porabiti zakupljeno količino sporočil (SMS, MMS)?
V 12 mesecih od dne nakupa.